Mobile App Privacy Policy

Effective Date: December 1, 2023
User privacy and data protection are of utmost importance to us — we don’t like having our information sold without or consent or knowledge, and we’re fairly certain that you don’t either.

We have prepared this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information when you use our mobile apps. By accessing or using our app, you agree to the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Short Version

We don’t retain any personally-identifiable information about you, so we are unable to provide, sell, or rent such information to third parties.

Information We Collect or Use

Data that you enter in our app remains on your device(s) — we don’t have access to any of it. Certain features (such as those involving your geographic location and purchase information) require the transmission of information to third-party services to facilitate your request(s):

  • Geographic Location: when you tap a button labeled “Current Location” (or similar), your geographic location will be sent to third-party servers to resolve that location into more meaningful data.

    • In the case of Civics Prepper, a third-party service resolves your location into a United States Congressional District (including your political subdivision [i.e., state, territory, or district]) and this information is stored in the app for your use. We do not retain this information on our servers.

  • Purchase Information: when you elect to subscribe to one of our apps, you will be providing credit or debit card information directly to a payment service/operator which operates a secure server to process payment details, encrypting your credit/debit card information and authorizing payment. Information which you supply is not within our control and is subject to the operator’s own privacy policy and terms and conditions. Your payment card details are not shared with us by the provider.

Data Security

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or disclosure. However, no security measure is foolproof, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by updating the date at the top of this policy or through other reasonable means. By continuing to use our app after any changes, you accept the modified Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests relating to this Privacy Policy or our mobile app's privacy practices, please contact us using this link. We will do our best to address and resolve any issues you may have.

Last updated: December 1, 2023

Privacy Policy