Civics Prepper

Your Companion for the US Citizenship Civics Test

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More Features

  • Important information about the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and other elected officials are current as of the date indicated in the app’s version number.

  • Did you know that some questions on the civics portion of the citizenship test ask questions about your state, territory, or district including your governor, congressional representative, and senator(s)?

    Instead of relying on just your ZIP code to determine the the answers (which can be prone to errors because ZIP codes don’t always track congressional districts), Civics Prepper can use your precise location (as reported by your device) to determine these officials.

  • A single download of Civics Prepper allows you to use both English and Spanish localizations of the app.

    Questions, answers, and the user interface are available in both languages, and are selected based upon your device’s settings.

  • Our app includes both the 2008 and 2020 versions of the civics test.

  • Enabled by default, you can simply tap a speech bubble icon on a question or answer to read it aloud on your device.

    Works in both English and Spanish with native pronunciation — just make sure your phone isn’t on vibrate!


Free Edition

The Free Edition of Civics Prepper includes the 20 “Special Consideration” (marked with an asterisk [*]) questions found on both the 2008 and 2020 test editions, for a total of 40 questions. If you qualify for the 65/20 “Special Consideration,” then the Free Edition is for you — there’s nothing to purchase and no subscription is required.

Paid Edition

To access all 100 questions from the 2008 test edition and 128 questions from the 2020 test edition, upgrade to the Paid Edition of Civics Prepper inside the app.

$0.99 USD per Month
$6.99 USD per Year (41% Discount)